In collaboration with THE PRO Course provider ALLIANCE

The Pro Training Program provides expert educational resources and opportunities for professionals looking to gain or refresh vital skill sets.


The A3 Pro Training Program is an industry-designed program that is an important piece in the training puzzle to help our industry continue to improve on our collective professionalism. A3’s program complements in-house training opportunities, specific on-the-job experience, ongoing professional mentorship, and other sources of continuing professional development. It is important to note that the Pro Training Program does not replace these other integral pieces of the professional avalanche training puzzle but, rather, works in a collaborative, complementary manner to increase the effectiveness of all training for avalanche professionals. With the development and launch of this program in 2017, A3 and stakeholders are not saying that prior training and experience are not valuable or relevant; we are saying that we can do better as an industry as we move into the future. The following documents pertain to Pro Course Providers. For student-related information, please visit

A3 Pro Training Program Guidelines

PROGRAM OVERSIGHT - The roles of A3, Pro Course Providers, and Pro Course Trainers.

PRO 1 - Course details, skills and proficiencies, and evaluation criteria for the Pro 1 course.

PRO 2 - Course details, skills and proficiencies, evaluation criteria for the Pro 2 course.

Prior Learning Assessment

Level 3/Pro 2 Clarification

AvSAR Guidelines



In October 2013 the American Avalanche Association hosted a meeting with a cross-section of avalanche industry representatives to discuss the question “Is there a need to revise the framework of avalanche education in the United States?” The group identified the following areas for improvement within the existing system:

  • Existing avalanche education courses mix professional and recreational students, particularly in Level 2 classes; separate courses for professionals and recreationists may better meet the training needs of both groups.

  • Students in current Level 2 courses are not tested; a thorough evaluation process could allow for demonstration of course comprehension and skill development, especially valuable for professionals.

  • Some existing professional-level courses have parallel topics and learning outcomes yet no clear measure of equivalency; a common system for professional training could increase course consistency and provide clear course equivalencies.

  • Without a single, clear training progression it can be difficult for employers to evaluate the skills of prospective employees, and can sometimes result in redundant training; again, a common system for professional training could address these challenges.

  • Increased consistency in professional training could help improve workplace safety.

The participants at this meeting concluded that separate professional and recreational avalanche training streams could better achieve course outcomes and meet distinct training needs for both groups. A3 stepped into a leadership role to spearhead this project at the request of meeting participants. Stakeholders who helped develop the Pro Training Program acknowledged the need to embrace common training standards and support course consistency in order to better serve the interests of the avalanche industry, education, and workplace safety. An A3-facilitated working group, that included representatives from each of the current major providers of professional avalanche training, produced an initial proposal that was presented to the industry for review and feedback in fall of 2014. Subsequently, A3 Pro Training Program was developed with extensive and continued collaboration and input from course providers and other stakeholders from around the industry. The first Pro courses were offered in December 2017.



A3 works in close collaboration with the Pro Provider Alliance to strive for high quality, consistent avalanche training opportunities for avalanche professionals.  The following entities are part of the Pro Provider Alliance and currently offer A3 Pro Training courses. You can go directly to their websites to learn more about Pro Course dates and to sign up for a Pro Course.

Alaska Avalanche School (AAS) - Pro 1

American Avalanche Institute (AAI) - Pro 1, Pro 2

American Institute for Avalanche Research and Education (AIARE) - Pro 1, Pro 2

Colorado Mountain College (CMC) - Pro 1 (as part of the CMC Avalanche Technician certificate program), Pro 2

National Avalanche School (NAS) - Pro 1-NAS (as part of the National Avalanche School program)

Silverton Avalanche School (SAS) - Pro 1, Pro 2



What courses are offered as part of the Pro Training Program?

Pro 1 Course: This course focuses on skills and proficiencies to enable the student to be a contributing member of an operational avalanche program. The student will be taught the proficiencies to be a skilled observer and to contribute opinions during risk management discussions. Minimum Course Length: 5 days.

Pro 2 Course: This course focuses on skills and proficiencies that enable the student to step into a leadership role within an operational avalanche program. The student will be taught proficiencies to develop operational risk management decision-making skills, including forecasting, risk mitigation strategies, and professional communication. Minimum Course Length: 6 days.

Why is A3 responsible for the Pro Training Program?

A3 is the organization in the United States that connects, engages with, and shares information amongst avalanche professionals from all segments of the industry and across all regions of the country.  Since 1999, A3 has published avalanche education guidelines for the U.S. and has provided unification and direction for a broad range of avalanche education and training organizations. A3 has spearheaded efforts to develop this new avalanche education paradigm, drawing stakeholders together from across the country to collaborate on Pro Training Program vision and details. A3’s role as a connector and unifier within the industry enables the organization to maintain a broad view of what may be best for the avalanche industry as a whole and makes A3 a natural fit to oversee the Pro Training Program.

What are the changes?

A3 Guidelines for Avalanche Education in the United States continue to provide a common benchmark for recreational avalanche courses.  These guidelines address Avalanche Awareness, Level 1 Avalanche Training (Level 1), Avalanche Rescue, and Level 2 Avalanche Training (Level 2).  A3 recommends that all winter backcountry users begin their training with Avalanche Awareness (optional), Level 1, and Avalanche Rescue courses. The split in the training progressions for recreationists and professionals follows these common trainings, to better serve the particular training and skill development needs of each group (see graphic training diagram in main content). The Level 2 is the next step for recreationalists, emphasizing advanced decision-making, small-group leadership, providing focused mentorship traveling in challenging and complex avalanche terrain. This course is recommended for all advancing recreationists who continue to travel in the backcountry after their Level 1 course. While the Level 2 Avalanche Training (Level 2) is not required prior to the Pro 1, it is recommended.

Current and aspiring avalanche professionals proceed to the Professional Avalanche Training 1 (Pro 1) course after the Level 1 and Avalanche Rescue courses. The Pro 1 focuses on skill development that enables the student to be a contributing member of an operational avalanche program.  The Professional Avalanche Training 2 (Pro 2) focuses on skill development that supports the student moving into a leadership role within an operational avalanche program. All Pro Training courses will involve a pass/fail evaluation process.  Passing students will receive an A3 approved course certificate from their course provider. A3 will stand behind the course certificate of a proficient student as long as that person maintains current membership with A3 and completes any recommended Continuing Professional Development.

Who should take Pro Courses?

A3 Pro Training courses offer valuable, relevant skill development for avalanche workers at a variety of career stages. These programs provide a clear starting point for entry level avalanche workers, as well as serving as continuing professional development for mid and later career stage avalanche workers. Professional Avalanche Training 1 (Pro 1) is appropriate for entry-level avalanche professionals newly employed or seeking employment within the industry as well as seasoned avalanche professionals who wish to refresh their skills and update their training with current practices. Professional Avalanche Training 2 (Pro 2) is designed for developing avalanche professionals with several seasons of applied professional experience as well as seasoned professionals who are looking to develop skills applicable to leadership roles within their operation.

I work as an avalanche professional. Will my prior training and experience be recognized?

Yes! A3 recognizes and values the experience and training of current avalanche professionals. Prior to 2017, a wide range of variability existed in formal and informal training and professional paths. In an effort to recognize various past training and experiences as we move forward, A3 defined a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) process, which includes a table of recognized training equivalencies.  Ultimately, A3 seeks to be as inclusive as possible in applying these tools while still maintaining a level of consistency that supports transition into the new system.  The new paradigm is more comprehensive and standardized, yet this does not make your prior training less valid. At this time, avalanche training and certification required for employment and other related training programs is determined by employers and training institutions. Check out the Prior Learning Assessment for more details.

How do I transfer into the Pro system? Is the Bridge exam still available?

The Pro 1 Bridge exam was an opportunity for individuals who currently have a Level 2 (in the “old” system of avalanche education) to gain recognition in the Pro Training Program at the Pro 1 level, thus entering the Pro Training educational stream.  This exam was only ever intended to be offered for the first three years of the program as a way to transition people with former training. Mach 2020 marked the end of Bridge exams and they will no longer be available. Moving forward into the 2020-21 winter, the 5-day Pro 1 is the only way to enter the Pro Training educational stream.

What is the AvSAR course?

A3 has worked with industry professionals to determine proficiencies for the Avalanche Search and Rescue course. This course focuses on organized rescue, and goes beyond the companion rescue covered in Avalanche Rescue Fundamentals, and other recreational level avalanche courses. The AvSAR course is designed for professional avalanche workers, including ski patrols and SAR team members (volunteer and paid including fire department and sheriff’s office personnel). While professional rescue courses have been offered in the past, the AvSAR course is the first program following standardized guidelines set forth by A3.

The following certified professional course providers offer 3–4 day AvSAR courses: American Avalanche Institute (AAI), Colorado Mountain College- Leadville, and Silverton Avalanche School (SAS). Please see their respective websites for course offerings.