A3 Ethical Code of Conduct



The Code of Ethical Conduct outlines the core values the American Avalanche Association (A3) seeks to adhere to. It is a high-level overview of the principles and values that the organization expects adherence to by its members, employees, and board members acting on their behalf and individually when doing business. Hereinafter, the term “Members” includes all of the above.

These ethical standards identify minimum expectations of accountability, competence, behavior, independence, integrity, knowledge and safety in the everyday practice of each member. Members acknowledge their responsibilities of personal conduct, and their responsibility to the public, to their employer, and to other members; and subscribe to this Code of Ethical Conduct to guide them in their practices as Avalanche Professionals.

A3 has undertaken periodic updates to this Code of Ethical Conduct to assure it remains relevant and to enhance member accountability. All Members are bound to act in accordance with this Code as a condition of membership.

A3 provides this document to Members and the public to ensure the intentions of this Code of Ethical Conduct receives public awareness, is transparent, and to provide appropriate ethical guidance to each Member in his or her day-to-day activities.

Public trust in A3 is founded on the public’s ability to trust each individual member. When A3 members strive to exceed the benchmarks set by this Code of Ethical Conduct, the public trust is well placed; to fall short is unacceptable.

Code of Ethics for Members

Members of the American Avalanche Association acknowledge their responsibilities to the organization and their profession and subscribe to this code of ethics to guide them in their practices as avalanche professionals.

A Member shall:

1.      Hold above all the public trust and reputation of their profession, perform services only in the areas of their competence, and strive to enhance their qualifications through continuing education, professional and technical development.  

2.      Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner and endeavor to extend public knowledge to promote understanding of the achievements of avalanche science.  

3.      Act in professional matters for each client or employer as faithful agents or trustees and avoid conflict of interest.  

4.      Build their professional reputations on the merit of their services and not compete unfairly with others.  

5.      Conduct their practices in accordance with the code and bring to the attention of the Association unethical practices of any Member.  

Any complaints about violations should be emailed to jayne@avalanche.org with a description of the ethical violation and the name of the person involved. All complaints will be kept confidential.

Click here for full A3 Code of Ethics

A3 Logo and Name Use

Individuals may use the A3 logo and name in the manner listed. Each use must clearly represent an individual or individuals, not an entire business or school.

Pro Members: Professional Member A3
Member Affiliate: Member of A3
Certified Instructor: Certified Instructor A3

Please register your use with the Executive Director at A3@avalanche.org to receive high-res jpeg files.
Exceptions to the above will be considered by the Governing Board on a case-by-case basis.